Recenze: Education of a pupil with other mother language from the point of view of teacher preparation.
Klíčová slova: Žák, odlišný mateřský jazyk, vzdělávání.
Keywords: Pupil, other mother language, education.
The monography publication by dr. Plischke connects to the previous monography Pupils with other mother language education. The book was created as an output of the project of Grant´s agency of the Czech republic. The monography is oriented on problems of education of pupils with other mother language from the point of view of teacher´s preparation.
Dr. Plischke is interested in contemporary problems in this book which are education of pupils with other mother language. Number of these pupils is growing in our republic. A lot of people migrate to the Czech republic so there is a lot of foreign pupils with other mother language in Czech schools follow from this. The monography is mainly oriented on teacher´s preparation for education of pupils with other mother language. Objektive was to enrich information about education of pupils with other mother language and to make a complex of requirements on pregradual and postgradual preparation of teachers. It is important to train teachers for education of pupils with other mother language systematically and professionally.
The book is separated into five chapters and these chapters are devided into subchapters.
The first chapter´s name is Social kontext of education of a pupil with other mother language. The chapter shows contemporary demography dates about foreigners and their children going to Czech schools in our republic. Furthermore, it refers to legislation documents about education of a pupil with other mother language, for example Framework Education Program for elementary schools.
In following chapter function of a teacher for education of a pupil with other mother language is emphasized. Name of the chapter is Experience of schools and access to education of a pupil with other mother language. The chapter refers to preparation of teachers on the University of Palackiana at Olomouc. There it is realized by some projects and teaching of varied eduacation subjects, for example Education of a pupil with other mother language.
The third chapter´s name is The theory of bilingualism which be related to education of a pupil with other mother language. This chapter to drala with theoretic discussion.
The four chapter is about teacher´s communication with pupils with other mother language. The chapter is oriented on problematics of dialogue, questions and understanding the content. Name of the chapter is Work of a teacher with pupil´s language skills.
The last chapter is about Realized research which is partly connected to previous research. The research was oriented qualitatively and quantitative. Quantitative research brought findings about work of a teacher; the research focused on contents of preparations which is oriented on effective education of a pupil with other mother language. The research investigation was realized by questionnaire method. The questionnaire had one hundred forty five respondents and it was distributed in Middle, Northern and Eastern Morava, in Eastern Bohemia and SRN too. The research in SRN dealt with teachers at bilingual grammar school.
Qualitatively research was realized at elementary schoul in North Moravia. Research objektive was to find prototypes of terms by pupils with other mother language. The most important was to detect difference of prototypes of terms between pupils with Czech as a mother language and pupils with other mother language.
The monography has synoptical and logical structure. It is enriched by charts and graphs according to the research. The monography is meant for students of teaching profession at university or teachers at schools. The book is a great helper because of important information about pupils with other mother language for education. There is a lot of pupils with other mother language Czech schools and they have been increasing.
[1] PLISCHKE, J. Education of a pupil with other mother language from the point of view of teacher preparation.. 1. vyd. Olomouc : Universita Palackiana, 2008. 146 str. ISBN 978-80-244-2162-9.