Andrej Démuth
| The Problem of Docta ignorantia as a Intellectual Modesty by Nicholas of Cusa
Klíčová slova: learned ignorance, limits of knowing, paradoxical knowing, intellectual modesty Jazyk článku: anglicky The Problem of Docta ignorantia as a Intellectual Modesty by Nicholas of Cusa Keywords: learned ignorance, limits of knowing, paradoxical knowing, intellectual modesty Language of article: English
| In the present study the author focuses attention to the problem of learned ignorance by Nicolas of Cusa. The author analyses Cusanus limits of human cognition (borders of linguistic concepts, paradox of infinity and mind limits). He shows the history of invention of the problem of learning and explanation in renaissance and problem of intellectual modesty of learning. The study is dedicated to the wide public as a compendium of Cusanus noetic work. |
Slávka Démuthová | New proposals for reeducation and resocialization of Slovak imprisoned delinquents
Klíčová slova: penitentiary activities, typology of delinquents, targeted intervention Jazyk článku: anglicky New proposals for reeducation and resocialization of Slovak imprisoned delinquents
Keywords: penitentiary activities, typology of delinquents, targeted intervention Language of article: English
| Resocialization and reeducation of jailed young delinquents belongs to the most important tasks of the imprisonment sentence. Its efficacy depends on the quality of penitentiary interventions which should respect the personality differences of juveniles. The fact is, that the application of reeducational and resocialization processes, pedagogic and correctional activities in Imprisonment Execution House is held on the basis of voluntariness, actual accessibility and enterprise of employees. There is relatively large amount of intervention programs in Imprisonment Execution House, but they are applied without relevant indications and consideration of offenders specific characteristics. The aim of this study is therefore to identify discriminative psychological, socio-economic, educational, cultural, family, criminal, etc. characteristics of imprisoned delinquents which could differentiate prisoners into specific groups and consequently to outline the key areas for penitentiary intervention. |
Radek Vít
| Recenze: Učíme děti učit se
Klíčová slova: vyučování, učitel
Jazyk článku: česky Book Review:
Keywords: teaching, teacher
Language of article: Czech
Stolinská Dominika | Recenze: Modularizace a její aplikace v bakalářském studijním oboru Učitelství Pro M
Klíčová slova: výzkum, kvantitativní, monografie, recenze
Jazyk článku: česky Book Review:
Keywords: research project, evaluation, modularization
Language of article: Czech