Pavel Horovčák
| Elektronický test ako forma komunikácie medzi študentom a učiteľom
Klíčová slova: elektronický test, internet, formulár, databáza, PHP, MySQL
Jazyk článku: slovensky Electronic test as new form of communication between student and teacher
Keywords: electronic test, internet, form, database, PHP, MySQL
Language of article: slovak
| The contribution deals with the realization of electronic knowledge testing application EKT which is developed by means of script language PHP and database system MySQL. The basic idea of designed application consists in support of simple interactive generation of electronic test by the teacher himself without necessity of special knowledge of www technologies. The contribution moreover describes goals and requirements of electronic test, its data model, test's forms view, application's functions, a way of test questions and answers preparation, test configuration, operating principle of electronic test application and ways of test results' valuation.
Pavel Kučera
| Jak správně koncipovat výchovné a vzdělávací strategie v konfextu klíčových kompetencí: příklady z biologie
Klíčová slova: výchovné a vzdělávací strategie, klíčové kompetence, školní vzdělávací program, biologie
Jazyk článku: česky How to write the education strategies in context of key competencies: examples in biology
Keywords: education strategies, key competencies, the school education programme, biology
Language of article: czech
| The aim of this article is to describe the education strategies within the scope of school education programme. From experience of the pilot schools we can reason that the right formulation and creating of these education strategies is for many teachers difficult. This article explains and on the example of biology demonstrates practically the right conception of education strategies.
Ivan Pavlas
| Výkonová motivace v adolescenci
Klíčová slova: motivace, výkon, adolescence, kompetence, dimenze motivace k výkonu
Jazyk článku: česky Achievement Motivation in Adolescents
Keywords: motivation, achievement, adolescence, competence, achievement motivation dimensions
Language of article: czech
| The paper deals with the issue of achievement motivation in adolescents and with the research into the level of the structure of this motivation. The LMI method was used to cary out a side study of a randomly selected sample of students at secondary commercial schools, branch management. Achievement motivation is used as a concept to explain the differences in individual behaviour in various parts of life. Our investigation was focused on finding out the total and partial scores in achievement motivation, including the description of each dimension both in boys and girls.
Vladimír Rábik
| Deutsche Besiedlung Im Gebiet der Ostslowakei im Mittelalter
Klíčová slova: Geschichte der Besiedlung, deutsche Besiedlung, Königreich Ungarn, Ostslowakei, Mittelalter
Jazyk článku: německy German Settlement in the Territory of Eastern Slovakia in the Middle Ages
Keywords: History of Settlement, German Settlement, Hungarian Kingdom, Eastern Slovakia, Middle Ages
Language of article: German
| The statement of the interference of German settlement into a primary settled structure in the territory of Eastern Slovakia in the Middle Ages brings us a summary rewiev of surveyed problem and also shows fairly that it was a dynamic process having a different chronology, movement and intensity. In the paper is the research of the historical event presented by concrete settlement situation in the Šariš county and in Slovakian parts of former Abov, Zemplin and Uh (Ung) counties. German settlement was typical with its specific legal frame and special construction style of the seats, which interacted to thicken a settlement network in medieval Hungarian kingdom and also ethnically in it with the German inhabitants.German settlement in the researched territory also had a great influence over the development of culture and school system in that part of the Hungarian kingdom in the middle ages. The first medieval schools which are known here, came right from the towns that were settled here as centers for Germans, namely in Bardejov, Prešov and Košice as well (by knowing concrete records from 15th century).
Vladimír Rábik
| Development of Ruthenian and Wallachian Settlement in the Territory of Eastern Slovakia in the Middle Ages
Klíčová slova: History of Settlement, Wallachian settlement, Middle Ages, Ruthenian inhabitants, Hungarian Kingdom, Eastern Slovakia
Jazyk článku: anglicky Development of Ruthenian and Wallachian Settlement in the Territory of Eastern Slovakia in the Middle Ages
Keywords: History of Settlement, Wallachian settlement, Middle Ages, Ruthenian inhabitants, Hungarian Kingdom, Eastern Slovakia
Language of article: English
| Development of Ruthenian and Wallachian Settlement in the Territory of Eastern Slovakia in the Middle Ages
Martin Karhan
| Recenze: Průvodce matematikou 2
Klíčová slova: matematika, geometrie
Jazyk článku: česky Book Review: Guide to Mathematics II
Keywords: mathematic, geometry
Language of article: Czech