Volume 2010 / Issue 2
Milan Kubiatko, Kateřina Mrázková, Muhammet Usak
Postoje českých a tureckých vysokoškolských studentů k využívání ICT v přírodovědných předmětech
Klíčová slova: dotazník, informační a komunikační technologie, postoje, studenti.
Jazyk článku: česky
Attitudes of Czech and Turkish university students to use ICT in science
Keywords: questionnaire, information and communication technologies, attitudes, students.
Language of article: Czech
The impact of information and communication technologies and computers on our daily lives has been steadily increasing. This fact influences the change of attitudes toward information and communication technologies. In our contribution we focused on finding the differences toward ICT attitudes among university students from Czech Republic and Turkey. Attitudes were evaluated overall and continuously with respect on gender, residence and grade of students together for all students and also separately for each country. A questionnaire with 33 Likert type items was used in our research. The sample consists of 454 Turkish and 316 Czech university students attending two different universities. Data were evaluated with factor analysis with Varimax rotation, MANCOVA (age of students was as covariate), t-test. The results of the questionnaire were divided into five dimensions in the concrete 1) Influence of ICT on teaching process (7 items), 2) Influence of ICT on human body and environment (4 items), 3) Using of ICT during teaching process (7 items), 4) School and ICT (3 items), 5) ICT as a didactic equipment (6 items). Totally, students from Czech Republic achieved more positive attitudes toward ICT in comparison with students from Turkey. Boys have more positive attitudes than girls, students from 2nd grade have had more positive attitudes and students from town have had more positive attitudes toward ICT in comparison with other groups.
Radoslav Kvasničák, Blanka Kudláčová, Ivana Klčová
Faktory ovplyvňujúce učiteľovo chápanie vyučby v Trnavskom kraji v Slovenskej republike
Klíčová slova: postoje učiteľov, vyučovací proces, základná a stredná škola, trnavský kraj.
Jazyk článku: slovensky
The factors influening the teacher's perception of the education in the region of Trnava in Slovak republic
Keywords: teacher's attitudes, teaching process, school in the region of Trnava in Slovak republic.
Language of article: Slovak
In our experimental research we have concentrated on the processing of the problems of regarding the teacher's perception of the teaching in selected schools in the region of Trnava. The target was to identify the level of the teacher's attitudes in the interaction with the selected factors. We have chosen the factors which affect the perception of the teaching process - the sex of the respondent, the major subject of the teacher, the length of the pedagogical practice and the major subject of the teaching. The part of the research was to identify the perception of the teaching process of the teachers of primary and secondary schools from the town and country localized in three different areas in the region of Trnava (Trnava, Skalica - Senica, Dunajská Streda). The summary of the results is, that more experienced teachers from the surveyed primary and secondary schools achieved higher level of the attitude attributes on the average than the less experienced teachers. The localization of the schools (town or country) and the placement of the schools in the region of Trnava didn't influence much the level of teacher's attitudes at the selected schools. The other potentially factors, as the major subject of the respondent and his sex, didn't surveyed significant differences within the framework of the attitudes. Even so, the positive is that the existent teachers' expressions and their positive attitudes concentrated on the major areas of the educational and teaching process in the region of Trnava. On the base of the comparison of the results of the research we can state that the positive trend of the attitudes concentrated on the teacher's perception of education. The teachers of the primary and the secondary schools have similarly expressed positive trend of the perception of the education. The influence of the location of the school (the town and the village) and the localization in the region of Trnava was not statistically important. We cannot generalize the acquired results from the pedagogues in the region of Trnava for the other regions in Slovakia, yet we can state, that the length of the pedagogical practice positively affects the teachers perception of the education in the region of Trnava in Slovak republic.
Kristína Miklášová
Životný štýl seniora 21. storočia
Klíčová slova: starnutie, sénium, senior, vožný čas.
Jazyk článku: slovensky
Seniors' life style in the 21st century
Keywords: aging, senium, senior, free time.
Language of article: Slovak
This article pays attention to the seniors life style in the 21st century. In the theoretical part author defines terms aging, senior and senium. In the second part of the article she is paying attention to the results' interpretation of the research specialized in the detection of structure and spending the seniors' free time.
Jiří Pospíšil, Dagmar Prokešová
Hodnotové preference a volný čas žáků druhého stupně základních škol
Klíčová slova: hodnoty, preference, volný čas, aktivity, research
Jazyk článku: česky
Values Preferences and Leisure Time of Pupils at Second Stage of Basic School
Keywords: values, preferences, leisure time, activities, research
Language of article: Czech
This paper presents the conclusions of the research of values preferences, leisure time activities and their relations over the group of pupils at the second stage of basic school in the selected regions of the Czech Republic.
Yveta Odstrčilíková
Recenze: Kochleární implantáty: rady a zkušenosti
Klíčová slova: kochleární implantát, sluchová vada, novorozenecký sluchový screening, znakový jazyk
Jazyk článku: česky
Book Review:Cochlear implants: advice and experience
Keywords: cochlear implant, newborn hearing screening, sign language
Language of article: Czech
Pavla Dobešová
Recenze: Education of a pupil with other mother language from the point of view of teacher preparation
Klíčová slova: žák, odlišný mateřský jazyk, vzdělávání.
Jazyk článku: anglicky
Book Review: Education of a pupil with other mother language from the point of view of teacher preparation
Keywords: Pupil, other mother language, education.
Language of article: English
Michal Gabarík
Recenzia: Reedukácia a komplexná rehabilitácia zraku u jednotlivcov so zrakovým postihnutím
Klíčová slova: reedukácia zraku, zrakové postihnutie, komplexná rehabilitácia zraku
Jazyk článku: Slovensky
Book Review: Reeducation and comprehensive vision rehabilitation for individuals with visual disabilities
Keywords: vision reeducation, visual disability, comprehensive rehabilitation of the vision
Language of article: Slovak
Andrej Rajský
Správa z konferencie: Kontexty filozofie výchovy v historickej a súčasnej perspektíve
Klíčová slova:
Jazyk článku: Slovensky
Conference Report: The context of philosophy of education in historical and contemporary perspective
Language of article: Slovak