Pavel Ciaian , Roman Serenčéš, Artan Qineti, Ján Pokrivčák, Miroslava Rajčániová | Efektívnosť politiky bezplatného univerzitného vzdelávania Klíčová slova: Vzdelávanie, trhové zlyhania, efektívnosť, univerzitný trh, vplyv politiky, rodinné charakteristiky. Jazyk článku: slovensky The efficiency of providing free university education in Slovakia Keywords: education, market failure, efficiency, university market, policy impact, family characteristics. Language of article: Slovak
| This paper tests the efficiency of university education policy in Slovakia. The policy aimed to address market failures in the Slovak university market. We used survey data collected in 2006 for individuals that finished secondary schools between 1998-2006. The paper finds that education policy in Slovakia was not efficient. It did not succeed to eliminate market failures. |
Kristína Kormanovičová, Zuzana Haláková | Neverbálna komunikácia v kontexte pedagogickej komunikácie Klíčová slova: druhy neverbálnej komunikácie, prvky neverbálnej komunikácie učiteľa/žiakov.
Jazyk článku: slovensky Nonverbal communication in pedagogical communication context
Keywords: kinds of nonverbal communication, elements of teacher´s and/or pupils´ nonverbal communication.
Language of article: Slovak
| Nonverbal communication is an important part of pedagogical communication. There are known several kinds of it, which are used in different situations in teaching process. It is very importnat for teacher to know how to "read" pupils´ nonverbal expressions, their gestures, postures, what is "written" in their faces. It is his role to respond to them in appropriate way, to ignore some, which disturbed, to limit or to form the others. In the contribution we present some nonverbal elements in teacher´s pedagogical work and written record of observation in one class.
Libuše Ďurišová | Kooperativní výuka
Klíčová slova: kompetence, kooperace, kooperativní výuka, Národní program rozvoje vzdělávání v ČR (Bílá kniha), Rámcový vzdělávací program, efektivita kooperativní výuky, výzkum, klima třídy. Jazyk článku: česky Cooperative teaching and learning
Keywords: competences, cooperation, cooperative teaching and learning, National Programme for the Development of Education in the Czech Republic (White Paper), General Education Programme, effectiveness of cooperative teaching and learning, research, class enviroment. Language of article: Czech
| School should create and than elvolve at the pupils the competences necessary for life in the present and future society. Therefore the National Programme for the Development of Education in the Czech Republic and General Education Programme feature demand to evolve the ability at the pupils to cooperate and respect work and success of their own and of the others as well. Fulfilment of this demand may ensure one of the innovative education forms - cooperative education. The aim of this paper is not only to show the basic information about the term "cooperative education" with it´s history, however to show it´s effectiveness comfirmed by many researches pursued in different countries on one hand and it´s influence on the class environment on the other hand.
Gabriela Šarníková | Recenzia: O dětech a výchově
Klíčová slova: dnešná mládež, deti z ulice, príčiny delikvencie, výchova malých delikventov, výchovné prostredie.
Jazyk článku: slovensky Book Review: O dětech a výchově
Keywords: today's youth, street children, causes of delinquency, upbringing of young offenders, educational environment.
Language of article: Slovak
Lenka Krištofová | Recenzia: Učiteľky a riaditelia
Klíčová slova: rodová rovnosť, vzdelávaní, výchova, strední odborné školy,
Jazyk článku: slovensky Book Review: Učiteľky a riaditelia
Keywords: research project, evaluation, modularization
Language of article: Slovak