Boris Bošanský, Emília Fulková | Q-metóda : Čo to je a ako na to? Klíčová slova: Q-metóda, okolnosti vzniku Q-metódy, charakteristika Q-metódy, začlenenie Q-metódy do systému kvantitatívnych a kvalitatívnych výskumných metód, možnosti využitia Q-metódy, metodika Q-metódy, Q-výroky, P-vzorka, Q-distribúcia, triedenie prvkov, analýza a interpretácia údajov. Jazyk článku: slovensky Q-method : What is it and how to work with it? Keywords: Q-method, invention of Q-method, characteristics of Q-method, placing Q-method in a system of quantitative and qualitative research methods, usage of Q-method, Q-technique of Q-method, Q-statements, P-sample, Q-distribution, sorting elements, data analysis and interpretation. Language of article: Slovak
| Paper introduces a research method observing more and more professional interest in its but dissatisfaction with its presence in Slovak and Czech literary sources. In this connection the paper presents circumstances under which the method was invented, brings its characteristics, places it in a system of quantitative and qualitative research methods and provides its technique with examples from concrete research experience. The paper is published with support of Comenius University in Bratislava, Grant 4/2008. |